
Posts Tagged ‘space’

Universe I

In writing on September 29, 2020 at 1:29 pm

Consider the evening sky—

Silver and gold strewn across the velvet fabric of the night

by some profligate god. A leisurely pinwheeling

promenade, a majestic incandescence immense enough for

Earthlings and Andromedans to admire.

Each star is a living jewel trembling in its space time

cradle, rocked by a gentle, sleepless mother, gravity.

Inhaling elements, exhaling light and warmth;

their very deaths bequeath to us the atoms in

our frames. We are star-stuff.

At the heart of every galaxy seethes a black hole

devouring stars and light like a ravenous Caliban.

Traveler, see with Creation’s eyes how the billions of

galaxies spin in their groups, the groups in their clusters

and on up to filaments that stretch across light years,

illuminating the void even as they speed away from us,

like birds moving across the waves at dusk,

and you with them.

The Universe Is Straight

In writing on October 14, 2019 at 1:49 pm


Just Another Day

In Uncategorized on March 29, 2019 at 10:07 am


October 1

In Uncategorized on December 23, 2010 at 6:46 am

Blessed are the miles.
See me crouched in character
furious and carapaced,
a brutal outcropping.

Unburdening was only space
slowly yielding up in blue
the schoolchild’s fact that finitude
has labored through millenia–
seaming here, folding there–
to commend at length
a salient,
just horizon–and a clue.